Magical Templates for Living Water – Carafe (Copper) (Sold Out)
In this series of Living Water Templates, we are employing ancient knowledge combined with Practical Qabala to draw the celestial energies into our drinking water, to empower ourselves and to endow the water with exotic healing powers.
Metal : Food Grade Copper
9.5 x 4.5 cm - 3.74 x 1.77 Inch
Product Description
“Water is influenced by its surroundings, by other materials that come close to it, by rays and vibrations and by sound and shapes that are capable of changing certain characteristics of the water and this in a very strange and mysterious way that until this day remains a mystery to science”. Documentary - Top Secret Water
In this series of magic templates, we are employing ancient knowledge combined with Practical Qabala to create powerful magical objects that draw the celestial energies into our drinking water, to empower ourselves and to endow the water with exotic healing powers.
The power of words and sacred symbols to alter water molecules has had a tremendous impact in many cultures, from antiquity to this very day.
Our magic templates are carved with the name, magic square and sacred symbols of the planet we are summoning, to empower the water and the body of those who drink it with the specific chosen energies.
We are also using Agrippa’s Figures of Divine Letters combined with the Qabalistic technique of spelling out the word in a “pyramid” fashion, like the Tetractys.
This arrangement channels the manifestation of the creative process through the Divine Letters as it works its way from the higher realms into the lower planes, and thus the energies it represents are also brought to life, activated through the immersion ritual, unlike any other Talisman.
The best way to use our magic templates is by first selecting the template most suited for your needs. Choose according to the type of energy you need most or according to the type of problem you want to treat, then place the magic template in the water* and let it sit for at least 5 minutes before you drink.
* The magic templates are made from Copper and can be safely used in water.
About the Figures of Divine Letters
“These Characters contain, and retain in them the peculiar natures, virtues, and roots of their Stars, and produce the like operations upon other things, on which they are reflected, and stir up, and help the influences of their Stars…” The Philosophy of Natural Magic – by Henry Cornelius Agrippa