The Seed of life Pendant – Gold
$1333This sacred Pendant connect you with the very heart of existence. It is a symbol of protection, blessing and fertility.
3 x 2.3 cm - 1.18 x 0.90 Inch
Product Description
The Seed Of Life Pendant, will summon a profound emotional comprehension that all life and consciousness arise from a single common source.
The Seed of Life is a universal symbol of creation, a pattern which is made out of seven interlocking circles depicting the cycles of creation.
The seven circles represent the seven days in which God created life. Once all seven circles were formed the seed of life was born.
From this shape the flower of life, identical to the seed of life but with another layer of circles around the perimeter, is formed, an illustration which contains the blueprint of the universe. Therefore all that exists owe its form to the seed of life.
The oldest version of this symbol can be found in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos.
To this singular sacred geometric seed which is found at the heart of the ancient pattern, the Flower of Life, there is an entire cosmology of consciousness encoded.
Each circle fits into this pattern like a lock and key, forming a dynamic field of possible geometric relationships, like the five platonic solids, which reveal the most fundamental shapes of Creation.
These seven circles mirror our seven chakras, the seven colours of the rainbow, the seven planets & the seven musical scales. It forms a foundation upon which the infinite, fractal nature of life can be understood.
Seeds are magical potent vessels of nature that holds the entire intelligent blueprints of life.
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