The Witch’s ‘Four Pillars’ Pyramid Ring – Silver with Black Diamond
$363This Ring will help you take responsibility for your choices and become a master of your destiny and of the way you want to play the Game of Life.
Stone : onyx/Black Diamond
2 x 2.8 cm - 7.87 x 11 Inch
Product Description
The Witch’s Pyramid, also known as The Four Pillars of the Witches’ Temple, was introduced to us by Eliphas Levi (one of the key players and pioneers of the 20th Century revival of Magic) in his book “Transcendental Magic, Its Doctrine and Ritual” (1854-1856). These allegorical pillars form the foundation of all magical work and are a representation of the mindset required to effect magic and of the qualities to be embodied by all practicing witches and magi.
There exists a wide variety of tools and techniques used in Magical Practice. However, before the practical work even begins, there are four non-physical statements or qualities, which must be previously developed within the witch/magus. These Four Qualities are represented by the Four Pillars of the allegorical Witches' Temple: To Know, To Will, To Dare and To Keep Silent. These Four Pillars are the ones that make up the firm foundation of any Magical Practice worth its Salt.
The Four Pillars/Statements are associated with the Four Elements as well as with the Four Cardinal Directions:
Noscere: To Know - Air - East
Velle: To Will - Fire - South
Audere: To Dare - Water - West
Tacere: To Keep Silent - Earth - North
The Fifth Element at the top of the pillars/pyramid is called Ire, meaning ‘to go’ or ‘towards manifestation’ and it refers to the Spirit of the Witch or Magus, the one who embodies the power and undertakes the action.
The Witch’s Pyramid Ring will help you harness and incorporate those Four Qualities in your life, thus becoming attuned to the resonance and presence of magic at any moment of even your most daily routine. This will help you take responsibility for your choices and become a master of your destiny and of the way you want to play the Game of Life.
The Witch’s Pyramid Ring is consisted of four pillars, holding a black diamond which represents the “black sun”, the inner spirit, which is the goal and purpose of the Pyramid – to bring the other four elements into perfect balance and to apply them to your life, to go forth and act upon them.
On the sides of the central pillars there are olive leaves (one on each side), conferring peace and serenity to the intentions and actions of the witch or the magus.
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